Genesis 45 - Outline

Joseph told his brothers who he was, and invited them to be close to him
Joseph forgave his brothers and told them not be angry at themselves for what they had done
God caused Joseph's troubles to work together for greater good
Like Jesus does for us, Joseph told of his greatness, and the greatness of his plans for his brothers
Joseph proved that it was really him, because he no longer spoke through an interpretor
like our calling to preach the gospel, Joseph asked his brothers to tell somebody else and bring him too
Joseph loved his brothers, and they had tears of joy because they were so happy to be reunited
the Lord gives us provision for the journey, and warns us not to focus on our stuff, because we have more important rewards in His kingdom (v20)
the Lord abundantly blesses us with even more than we need
a calling to guard our walk with the Lord
sometimes the Lord's goodness in His Word and the gospel is so good that it seems too hard to believe, but He also sends us a token for good, things we can see that reassure us of Himself

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