- v1-7
- Pharaoh dreamed two dreams
- v1-4
- Pharaoh dreamed that 7 thin cows came and ate 7 fat cows that had been before them
- v5-7
- Pharaoh dreamed that 7 whithered ears of corn ate 7 good ears that had been before them
- v8
- Pharaoh couldn't find anybody who could interpret his dreams
- v9-13
- the butler finally remembered to tell Pharaoh about Joseph
- v14-16
- Pharaoh called Joseph out of prison quickly to interpret the dream, and Joseph humbly gave the Lord the credit
- v17-24
- Pharaoh told his dreams to Joseph
- v17-21
- Pharaoh told his first dream to Joseph
- v22-24
- Pharaoh told his second dream
- v25-36
- Joseph did a
chapter summary
of the dreams- v25-28
- Joseph's outline
- v29-32
- Joseph's meaning
- v33-36
- Joseph's application
- v37-46
- Pharaoh chose Joseph to rule over the whole country, and Pharaoh gave him a wife
- v47-49
- Joseph still worked faithfully, to keep his application, and gathered food during the plentiful years
- v50-52
- Joseph had two sons and glorified the Lord by the names he gave them
- v53-57
- the famine came true, so everybody came to Joseph to buy food
Thotagauta Bible Study
A bit over a year ago Mrs. Hanti Badenhorst asked Jim and me to take over
her Bible Study at Thotagauta Secondary School. She was moving closer to
her chi...
8 years ago
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