faith in God's resurrection power

John 22


And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.

Abraham wasn't lying when he said, I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. He really believed that Isaac would be coming back with him, because he believed God had the power to do any thing, even to raise the dead.

Hebrews 11:10
Accounting that God [was] able to raise [him] up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.

Abraham was blessed because he believed something just like the gospel that we're saved by believing today. Abraham believed that he would have a promised descendant, an only begotten son. He believed that the son would be a sacrifice, and that God would have the power to raise him from the dead. That figure was fulfilled in Jesus.

From Psalm 2:12b:
...the Son... Blessed [are] all they that put their trust in him.

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