the importance of a name

Songs 1


Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name [is as] ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.

When people love each other, their names are very special to each other. The Lord's name should be like that to us.

From: Thy name we love, Lord Jesus

By W. Yerbury, 1863 and from Greek melody
Thy name we love, Lord Jesus;
And lowly bow before Thee;
And while we live, to Thee we give,
All blessing, worship, glory;
We sing aloud Thy praises,
Our hearts and voices blending,
'Tis Thou alone we worthy own;
Thy beauty's all transcending.

Thy name we love, Lord Jesus;
It tells God's love unbounded
To ruined man, ere time began,
Or heaven and earth were founded;
Thine is a love eternal,
That found in us its pleasure,
That brought Thee low, to bear our woe,
And make us Thine own treasure.
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