don't be an angry person

Proverbs 29


An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.

I know I shouldn't be an angry person, but I really know I shouldn't stir up strife. What I didn't realize is that the Bible teaches that if I am an angry person, I will stir up strife.

When I'm tempted to be angry at somebody for their foolishness, I should remember how the Lord has forgiven me for so much sin, and I should forgive them.

From: The Master Hath Come

By Sar­ah Doud­ney, 1871 and from Welsh mel­o­dy
The Master hath called us, in life’s early morning,
With spirits as fresh as the dew on the sod:
We turn from the world, with its smiles and its scorning,
To cast in our lot with the people of God:
The Master hath called us, His sons and His daughters,
We plead for His blessing and trust in His love;
And through the green pastures, beside the still waters,
He’ll lead us at last to His kingdom above.
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