Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.
If we want to understand the fear of the Lord, like if we want to know what it means to fear the Lord, we should do the things in Proverbs 2:1-5. We should seek for wisdom.
Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, [and] liftest up thy voice for understanding;
We should pray and ask the Lord for wisdom. (See James 1:5-7.)
From: A Child of the King
By Harriet Buell, 1877 and John Sumner, 1877I once was an outcast stranger on earth, A sinner by choice, an alien by birth, But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down, An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown. I’m a child of the King, A child of the King: With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.
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