What is worship?

The word, "worship," is extremely popular in religious circles today, but only occurs 198 times in the Bible (kjv.) I was surprised to see what the Bible actually says about it.

Please don't call so many things worship, when they really aren't. I'm sorry, but you don't worship by listening to nice sounding music. You don't worship by stockpiling beautiful riches for yourself to enjoy.

Worship almost always includes "falling down!" Sometimes the Bible doesn't say anything like that, but it actually does say that, a surprising number of times. So we should worship and pray all the time in whatever position we're in, sometimes not even kneeling. There's 1 example I know of, where king David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed. On the other hand, people have to kneel to their king, and Jesus is the King of Kings. Sometimes people bowed their heads when they worshipped. Sometimes they fell on their faces. Sometimes they were on their knees. Sometimes they fell at the feet of the person they worshipped, and sometimes they held his feet. Sometimes the Bible says they bowed down. Most of the time it just says they fell down. The number of times the Bible says something like this about worship is particularly surprising because almost everybody "worships," sitting down, or standing up, today.

Worship is almost always out loud. "Make a loud noise." I know of 1, and only 1 example of silent prayer in the entire Bible, please correct me, if you know of another. Even in that example, at least Hannah's lips were moving, just as if she was actually speaking. And that probably doesn't look very good, because that time, it made the priest think she was drunk. The Lord does know your thoughts, and sometimes we should pray silently in our hearts. But the Lord wants to hear your voice!

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