Spiritual Blindness

John 9 Summary

v1+ The man wasn't born blind because he or his parents had sinned.
v4+ We need to work for the Lord while we can.
v12+ The Sabbath has always been a popular thing to argue about and throw people out for.
v35+ Spiritual sight is believing in Jesus.
v39+ Spiritual blindness is believing in yourself.


v22 I've been such a chicken, so much like these chickens. Many times I've wimped out at confessing Jesus Christ because I'm afraid. I don't want to make a mistake. Many times just staying comfortable and keeping your mouth shut, is a mistake.


And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.
Now I do have a habit of preaching the gospel to everybody. But it's hard for me to pray in front of other people and to worship the Lord in front of other people. My application is to worship, praise, or thank the Lord in public, and not just in meetings.

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